Create Identity Verification

Creates an Identity Verification.

Identity Verifications

Identity Verifications confirm an individual's identity with for the purpose of inclusion on the platform. This know-your-customer (KYC) process is a requirement for individuals to be able to transact. At present, we offer support for Cybrid performing the verification or working with partners to accept their KYC/AML process and have it attested to in our platform.


storingThe Platform is storing the identity verification details in our private store
waitingThe Platform is waiting for the customer to start the identity verification process
pendingThe Platform is waiting for the customer to finish the identity verification process
reviewingThe Platform is waiting for compliance to review the identity verification results
expiredThe identity verification process has expired
completedThe identity verification process has been completed


passedThe customer has passed the identity verification process
failedThe customer has failed the identity verification process

Failure Codes

id_check_failureFailure due to an issue verifying the provided ID
id_quality_check_failureFailure due to an issue verifying the provided ID based on the image quality
id_barcode_check_failureFailure due to an issue verifying the provided ID based on the barcode
id_mrz_check_failureFailure due to an issue verifying the provided ID based on the machine-readable zone (MRZ)
id_presence_check_failureFailure due to an issue verifying the provided ID based on the presence of the ID
id_expiration_check_failureFailure due to an issue verifying the provided ID based on the expiration date
id_double_side_check_failureFailure due to an issue verifying the provided ID based on both sides not being provided
id_type_allowed_check_failureFailure due to an issue verifying the provided ID based on the type provided
id_country_allowed_check_failureFailure due to an issue verifying the provided ID based on the issuing country
id_digital_replica_check_failureFailure due to an issue verifying the provided ID based on it being a digital replica
id_paper_replica_check_failureFailure due to an issue verifying the provided ID based on it being a paper replica
database_check_failureFailure due to an issue verifying the provided information against authoritative data sources
selfie_failureFailure due to an issue verifying the provided selfie photo
country_comparison_check_failureFailure due the customer verification being performed out of country
duplicate_person_check_failureFailure due to a customer already existing for this person
prohibited_person_check_failureFailure due to a person being on prohibited from accessing the service
name_check_failureFailure due to an issue verifying the name of the person
address_check_failureFailure due to an issue verifying the address of the person
dob_check_failureFailure due to an issue verifying the date of birth of the person
id_number_check_failureFailure due to an issue verifying an identification number of the person
phone_number_check_failureFailure due to an issue verifying the phone number of the person
email_address_check_failureFailure due to an issue verifying the email address of the person
compliance_rejectionFailure due to compliance rejecting the identity verification
plaid_failureFailure due to an issue interacting with Plaid
plaid_item_login_requiredFailure due to the Plaid token for the account requiring re-login
plaid_invalid_productFailure due to the Plaid product not being supported (contact support)
plaid_no_accountsFailure due to the Plaid token having access to no accounts
plaid_item_not_foundFailure due to Plaid not being able to find the associated account
decision_timeoutFailure due to an issue verifying the email address of the person
requested_failureIn sandbox, the caller requested that the process failed
deleted_accountFailure due to the bank account having been deleted before a decision was made

Required scope: identity_verifications:execute

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!