Create Transfer

Creates a transfer.


storingThe Platform is storing the trade details in our private store
reviewingThe Platform is reviewing the transfer for compliance
pendingThe Platform is executing the transfer
completedThe Platform has successfully completed the transfer
failedThe Platform was not able to successfully complete the transfer

Failure codes

non_sufficient_fundsThe customer does not have enough funds to complete the transfer
refresh_requiredThe transfer's associated external_bank_account needs to be reconnected via Plaid
party_name_invalidThe transfer's associated external bank account has an invalid party name
payment_rail_invalidThe payment rail specified for the transfer is not supported by the external bank account
compliance_rejectionThe transfer was rejected for compliance reasons
cancelledThe transfer was manually cancelled
reversedThe transfer was reversed
limit_exceededThe customer is over the limits that have been set for them for this activity
network_fee_too_lowThe transfer was rejected due to the network fee being too low
amount_too_lowThe transfer was rejected due to the amount being too low
internal_errorAn internal error occurred while processing the transfer, please try again
invalid_addressThe destination address is invalid for transfer

Required scope: transfers:execute

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!