Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is permanent residence in the US or Canada required for Cybrid KYC?
A: Yes, permanent residence in the US or Canada is required for Cybrid KYC.
Q: What are the allowable countries for government ID in the Cybrid KYC?
A: The allowable countries for government ID in the Cybrid KYC are the US and Canada.
Q: Which forms of government ID are accepted for Cybrid KYC?
A: The following are the forms of government ID that are accepted for Cybrid KYC:
- Passport
- Passport card
- Drivers license
- State ID
- Permanent resident card
- Visa
- Work permit
Q: What is the minimum age of a partner end-user for KYC/identification verification purposes?
A: The minimum age of partner end-users is 18 years old.
Q: Does the Cybrid Platform allow repeat identity verifications?
A: Yes, the Cybrid Platform allows repeat identity verifications as long as the same customer account is used. If a new customer account were created for the same individual and a new identity verification was performed, the identity verification would be flagged as a repeat and auto-denied.
Q: What is the next action if a customer KYC fails and user status changes to rejected
A: Should a customer's KYC be unsuccessful (due to Government ID and Selfie error codes), and they wish to retry, kindly reach out to Cybrid Support to revert the customer's status to unverified
, thereby enabling another attempt at the identity verification process.
Q: What are the expirations of the various identity verification types?
A: The following are the expirations of the various identity verification types:
- Individual customer KYC (i.e., IDV type: "kyc", method: "id_and_selfie" ): 60 minutes
- Business customer KYB (i.e., IDV type: "kyc", method: "business_registration" ): 24 hours
- Beneficial owner KYC (not created via our API): 7 days
- Document submission (i.e., IDV type: "kyc", method: "document_submission" ): 7 days
Q: What are the failed KYC with address_check_failure
+ database_check_failure
A: The customer failed the database check on address after they were prompted to submit a supporting document, in other words, the address on the provided document does not match the address that the customer entered.
Q: What does it mean if a bank IDV has name_check_failure
or address_check_failure
error codes but it is in the state reviewing
A: The bank account remains in the reviewing
state because it is undergoing a manual compliance review. Typically, the bank verification would move to a completed
state with a failed
outcome, unless the customers are prompted to provide additional documents, then the state will change to reviewing
. Once all the information was provided from the customer, it then should move to state completed
and outcome failed
, or expired
if the customer doesn't complete the process in 60 minutes.
Balance Checking
Q: What action is required no_account
or invalid_account
is returned as the message_code
on a 422 Unprocessable Entity response from the GET /api/external_bank_accounts
A: When either the no_account
or invalid_account
message code is returned from the GET /api/external_bank_accounts
endpoint, the ExternalBankAccount
must be deleted and re-added as we no longer have access to the account.
Q: What does the transfer failure code refresh_required
A: The transfer failure code refresh_required
means that the Plaid connected bank account must be reconnected by the end user.
Q: What does the transfer failure code plaid_institution_not_responding
A: The transfer failure code plaid_institution_not_responding
means that Plaid is unable to communicate with the customer's bank. This can happen if the bank is temporarily offline or if there are performance issues on Plaid's side. Our recommendation is retry again later. If the issue persists, it may be worth a different institution or bank.
Q: What is the difference between account platform_balance
and platform_available
A: The difference between account platform_balance
and platform_available
is that the platform_available
is the balance that has already been settled, whereas platform_balance
includes pending transfers that have not yet been settled.
Q: What does the reviewing
transfer state indicate?
A: The reviewing transfer state may occur after the pending transfer state, indicating that the transfer requires compliance review. After the reviewing state, the transfer state will progress to either complete or failed.
Q: What is the TTL for access tokens?
A: The TTL for access tokens is 30 minutes in the production environment and 8 hours in the sandbox environment.
Q: Why don't I provide a network when creating an external wallet?
A: The network is inherent in the asset that is specified when creating an external wallet, so when specifying the asset for quotes/external withdrawals, the network is predetermined.
Q: Is the Cybrid Platform affected by bank holidays?
A: Yes, all US and Canadian bank holidays affect the Cybrid Platform. Every time there is a holiday, there will be an additional business day for all settlements.
Updated 4 months ago