Creating Accounts

How do I create fiat and trading accounts at the bank-level?

Learn how to create fiat and trading accounts at the bank-level

For each fiat currency that a partner bank funds, they will need a fiat account. Similarly, for each crypto currency a partner bank trades, they will need a trading account.

Funding account

As an example, let's create a USD fiat account for the bank:

  • Create the account using the POST /api/accounts endpoint
    • Provide the "fiat" value in "type" parameter
    • Provide the "USD" value in the "asset" parameter
    • Leave the "customer_guid" parameter empty to create the account at the bank-level
    • Provide a descriptive value for the "name" parameter
  "type": "fiat",
  "asset": "USD",
  "name": "USD funding account for the bank"
  • Once executed, you should receive a success response with the new account details including the account "state"
  • The account "state" will be "storing" after the executing the above POST request
  • The account "state" will progress to "created" once the account is fully provisioned

With a funding account now created, you are ready to generate a quote and create a funding deposit transfer.

Trading account

As an example, let's create a BTC trading account for the bank.

  • Create the account using the POST /api/accounts endpoint
    • Provide the "trading" value in "type" parameter
    • Provide the "BTC" value in the "asset" parameter
    • Leave the "customer_guid" parameter empty to create the account at the bank-level
    • Provide a descriptive value for the "name" parameter
  "type": "trading",
  "asset": "BTC",
  "name": "BTC trading account for the bank"
  • Once executed, you should receive a success response with the new account details including the account "state"
  • As above, the account "state" will initially be "storing" and progress to "created"

With a trading account now created, you are ready to generate a quote and create a crypto buy trade.