Capturing SSN/SIN
How do I capture SSN/SIN for a customer that has already completed KYC?
SSN/SIN (i.e. person tax id) is optional in the individual customer KYC identify verification.
When customers do not capture their SSN/SIN, the lower transaction limits will be applied (Limits and Minimums guide here).
To allow customers to provide their SSN/SIN after they have already completed their KYC identity verification, a new identity verification must be created.
When the customer has successfully captured their SSN/SIN, they will be eligible for the higher transaction limits.
Create an identity verification
For a customer that in the "verified" state, you may create the SSN/SIN capture identity verification via the POST /api/identity_verifications
An example POST /api/identity_verifications
request body is below:
"type": "kyc",
"method": "tax_id_and_selfie",
"customer_guid": "<insert customer GUID>"
When executed, the following response body will be returned:
"created_at": "<created_at timestamp>",
"updated_at": "<updated_at timestamp>",
"type": "kyc",
"guid": "<identity verification GUID>",
"customer_guid": "<provided customer GUID>",
"method": "tax_id_and_selfie",
"state": "storing",
"outcome": null,
"failure_codes": [],
"country_code": "US",
"compliance_decisions": [],
"verification_checks": []
Using the GET identity_verifications/{identity_verification_guid}
endpoint, the following response will be returned:
"created_at": "<created_at timestamp>",
"updated_at": "<updated_at timestamp>",
"type": "kyc",
"guid": "<identity verification GUID>",
"customer_guid": "<provided customer GUID>",
"method": "tax_id_and_selfie",
"state": "waiting",
"outcome": null,
"failure_codes": [],
"country_code": "US",
"persona_inquiry_id": "inq_XRd66GWB365cdpSS3svAt7VJ16XN",
"persona_state": "waiting",
"compliance_checks": [],
"compliance_decisions": [],
"verification_checks": []
The identity verification will automatically progress to the "waiting" state.
The persona_inquiry_id
from the above response must be paired with a Persona URL (i.e. <>
For example:
This complete URL may be shared directly with the individual customer.
When the individual customer browses to this URL, the SSN/SIN capture identity verification will be initiated and the customer may provide SSN/SIN.
In addition to SSN/SIN capture, the customer will also be prompted to complete a selfie capture.
Note: The Cybrid web SDK does not support
identity verifications (Integrating Persona guide here)
Understanding when the customer is eligible for higher transaction limits
When the individual customer has completed the SSN/SIN capture identity verification using the link above:
- The identity verification will progress to the "completed" state.
- If the identity verification has the "passed" outcome:
- The customer is now eligible for higher transaction limits.
- If the identity verification has the "failed" outcome:
- The customer is not eligible for higher transaction limits, and will only be eligible for the lower transaction limits.
Updated 8 months ago