Capturing SSN/SIN

How do I capture SSN/SIN for a customer that has already completed KYC?


SSN/SIN (i.e. person tax id) is optional in the individual customer KYC identify verification.

When customers do not capture their SSN/SIN, the lower transaction limits will be applied (Limits and Minimums guide here).

To allow customers to provide their SSN/SIN after they have already completed their KYC identity verification, a new identity verification must be created.

When the customer has successfully captured their SSN/SIN, they will be eligible for the higher transaction limits.

Create an identity verification

For a customer that in the "verified" state, you may create the SSN/SIN capture identity verification via the POST /api/identity_verifications endpoint.

An example POST /api/identity_verifications request body is below:

  "type": "kyc",
  "method": "tax_id_and_selfie",
  "customer_guid": "<insert customer GUID>"

When executed, the following response body will be returned:

  "created_at": "<created_at timestamp>",
  "updated_at": "<updated_at timestamp>",
  "type": "kyc",
  "guid": "<identity verification GUID>",
  "customer_guid": "<provided customer GUID>",
  "method": "tax_id_and_selfie",
  "state": "storing",
  "outcome": null,
  "failure_codes": [],
  "country_code": "US",
  "compliance_decisions": [],
  "verification_checks": []

Using the GET identity_verifications/{identity_verification_guid} endpoint, the following response will be returned:

  "created_at": "<created_at timestamp>",
  "updated_at": "<updated_at timestamp>",
  "type": "kyc",
  "guid": "<identity verification GUID>",
  "customer_guid": "<provided customer GUID>",
  "method": "tax_id_and_selfie",
  "state": "waiting",
  "outcome": null,
  "failure_codes": [],
  "country_code": "US",
  "persona_inquiry_id": "inq_XRd66GWB365cdpSS3svAt7VJ16XN",
  "persona_state": "waiting",
  "compliance_checks": [],
  "compliance_decisions": [],
  "verification_checks": []

The identity verification will automatically progress to the "waiting" state.

The persona_inquiry_id from the above response must be paired with a Persona URL (i.e. <>)

For example:


This complete URL may be shared directly with the individual customer.

When the individual customer browses to this URL, the SSN/SIN capture identity verification will be initiated and the customer may provide SSN/SIN.

In addition to SSN/SIN capture, the customer will also be prompted to complete a selfie capture.


Note: The Cybrid web SDK does not support tax_id_and_selfie identity verifications (Integrating Persona guide here)

Understanding when the customer is eligible for higher transaction limits

When the individual customer has completed the SSN/SIN capture identity verification using the link above:

  • The identity verification will progress to the "completed" state.
  • If the identity verification has the "passed" outcome:
    • The customer is now eligible for higher transaction limits.
  • If the identity verification has the "failed" outcome:
    • The customer is not eligible for higher transaction limits, and will only be eligible for the lower transaction limits.