Cancel Payment (beta)

How do I cancel a Bitcoin Lightning Network payment?


This feature is currently in beta and available to all partners in the sandbox environment.


To enable in the production environment, please contact the partner success team.


Invoices may only be cancelled while in state:"unpaid".

Once an invoice has progressed to either state:"settling" or state:"paid", it can no longer be cancelled.

Cancel an invoice

For an invoice that is state:"unpaid", you may cancel the invoice via the DELETE /api/invoices/{invoice_guid} endpoint.

When executed, the following response body will be returned:

  "created_at": "<created_at timestamp>",
  "updated_at": "<updated_at timestamp>",
  "guid": "<provided invoice GUID>",
  "customer_guid": "<provided customer GUID>",
  "account_guid": "<associated account GUID>",
  "type": "lightning",
  "asset": "USD",
  "receive_amount": 100,
  "deliver_amount": 100,
  "fee": 0,
  "state": "cancelling",
  "labels": null

The invoice will be in state:"cancelling" in this initial response.

Using the GET /api/invoices/{invoice_guid} endpoint, the following response will be returned:

  "created_at": "<created_at timestamp>",
  "updated_at": "<updated_at timestamp>",
  "guid": "<provided invoice GUID>",
  "customer_guid": "<provided customer GUID>",
  "account_guid": "<associated account GUID>",
  "type": "lightning",
  "asset": "USD",
  "receive_amount": 100,
  "deliver_amount": 100,
  "fee": 0,
  "state": "cancelled",
  "labels": null

The invoice will automatically progress to state:"cancelled".

Once an invoice is state:"cancelled", payment instructions can no longer be generated for the invoice.